the create tomorrow event

The upcoming edition will be the first physical edition of Create Tomorrow in 4 years! The 2023 board is extremely busy with all the preperations. More information will be announced as we get closer to the event!
the event in a nutshell
The first day gives you the opportunity to get to know your team and the companies. There will be workshops to follow and interesting keynote speakers to listen to. In addition to that, a talent of tomorrow dinner will be hosted for students to meet with companies in a more exclusive setting. Day 1 is optional, however, it prepares you well for the think tank on day 2 so participation is highly recommended! More information can be found here.
On the third of May, the tent at the University of Twente will be filled again with all the students working on the case. While working on the case with your team, it is possible to ask questions and talk to the company all day. Throughout the day, there will be speakers and entertainment performing on stage. After the winner is announced at the end of the day, it is time for the afterparty! More information can be found here.
Create Tomorrow is more than a think tank. For the case winners and participating companies who are interested, a bootcamp will be organized shortly after the event because winning ideas are worth realizing. The team of Novel-T offers professional support in this follow-up. More information about Novel-T can be found here.

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Create tomorrow at a glance

Not only do we impact the future of society, but we also want to create an impact on you. Choose the workshops you want to follow in the fields of your interest.
multiple workshops

be innovative. create impact.
Speakers & entertainment

Without inspiration, there is no innovation. To stimulate your mind, we have exciting speakers that will take you through their experiences.
All work and no play makes one very tired! That’s why we offer exciting entertainment that is sure to energize you! This has been done by De Speld in previous years.

There are only
until Create Tomorrow

Get to know the companies and their ways of improving and innovating their products and services on our innovation fair.
meet tomorrow